Home Sickness
From Truth to Aesthetics
Novalis: “Philosophy is really homesickness—the desire to be everywhere at home.”
Transcendental homesickness, the emotional distress experienced when separated from home, extends beyond mere physical absence; it encompasses the profound loneliness that compels us to seek meaning in our existence, understand the origins of everything, and contemplate our destination.
From the pursuit of truth of existence to aesthetics, Daoist thought, a philosophical system originating from China, laid one of the foundations for Chinese thinking 2000 years ago. This work brings together Daoism with early Western thought to modern cosmology and ontology, examining their similarities and differences in addressing the relationship between humans and the external world.
All the tea leaves used in this work are generously contributed by our Chinese community with blessings and love. Through the arrangement of tea—the cultural lifeblood coursing through the veins of every Chinese person—and the creation of hundreds of tea vessels, this work examines how we can elevate our meaning of existence to an aesthetic experience that fosters connections with the external world, the cosmos and brings a sense of home. Our profound connection with the objects surrounding us was translated into a visual language, resonating with our transcendental loneliness as individuals, communities, and human beings.
Like fireflies with cool lights on their bodies, we navigate the endless darkness in groups, yet we are so small and lonely. We yearn for a home, somewhere secure and warm. The need for a sense of home follows us wherever we go.
I would talk to the stars, the trees, the grass, and the gentle breeze when they are around. Even if they didn’t respond, I knew they were listening. The human history to them is so short and brief, so brief that a tree’s growth from infancy to childhood spans our entire lifetime, so brief that a star’s rotation encompasses the passing of millennia in our world. With our brief existence, how can we possibly engage in understanding and comprehension with this world that is billions of years old? Perhaps some inward exploration of ourselves can offer some support during the hardships in our fleeting lives and shed a glimmer of light when we are lost.
—— Thank you to the lights that have ever shone in my life. I love you all.