In Daoism, it is believed that the beauty of nature lies in its stillness, the absence of purposeful creating action. Basic elemental forces of nature create and flourish lives in peaceful silence, and take lives in brutal silence. Without a line between creation and renewal, beginning and returning, life is an eternal continuity of existence.
Everything in the universe is connected and nothing makes sense by itself. When we think about the matters, we think about their meanings, the way we connect with them and also the way they connect with each other.
The material used for this installation is from a variety of sources. Stone is an inanimate material from earth that carries memories of millions of years of natural events. Wool is a material from living organisms that breathe and creates warmth. Mirror glass is a manmade material that is inspired by reflective things in nature and made out of a range of materials for thousands of years. The meaning of existence is reflected in every matter we come across: How do we form the ecosystem on earth naturally, how do we connect and interact with each other materially and spiritually, and how do we recognize and understand this connection? It seems like there’s always been a contrast between the vital thoughts of humans and the quietness of matter and things. However, if we are quiet enough, still enough, we will start to realize a whole world of vital non-human things around us. We will focus not only on our own experiences but also on a self-renewal system that blurred life and death.
Stillness, a quiet awareness, could be our strongest, deepest, purest and infinite empathy and appreciation of both life and death. Through stillness, we explore and experience the meaning of existence.